Swerve Pilot Project  :  Therapeutic Dawn  -  scroll down ↓
      compassion        grit        grace        community        presence.  
Therapeutic Dawn.    
Original therapeutic oriented content & experiences, designed for wellness & medical therapies.
Explorations that one can simply listen to or watch.  And interactive experiences.
On one's own,... or invite a friend, friends, or family.
We recommend you watch our Burn Bright short film before reading this section below.

As well, our Presentation Deck highlights core aspects of Therapeutic Dawn.
- See Presentation Deck under Info on the menu bar.  
Our upcoming Uplift film takes a deeper dive into certain aspects of this initiative. 

The Therapeutic Dawn website is coming soon.

FDA : Rigor & Therapeutic VR
The US FDA (food & drug administration) lists more than 8 different areas where VR / virtual reality is used to treat patients :
Pediatric diagnostics & treatments,  Pain management,  Mental health,  Neurological disorders,
Surgery planning,  Telemedicine,  Virtual Care,  Post operative & other rehabilitation therapies.

Therapeutic Dawn VR / MR  App  &  short films
A compelling app & wonderful short films that will bring uplift, relaxation & benefit for people with a range of conditions :
Stress,  pain,  cancer,  paralysis,  ageing,  ALS  Parkinson's  Alzheimer's  dementia,
terminal illness,  palliative care,  & end of life.
  - We have also begun some early stage research into how we can bring benefit to people who are deaf.
* Screenshots : There are some visual screenshots from the alpha app, at the bottom of this page.
Therapeutic Dawn will be creating a range of experiences that are tailored for various conditions and age groups.
These will be available on phones, tablets, laptops and in VR, MR & AR.
The People section, under Swerve Pilot Project, will give you an overview sense of some of these experiences,
and goes deeper into the amazing power of MR.
MR is mixed reality, where a VR headset can show you the room/space you are physically in, and overlay media / experiences.
Our Burn Bright film will give you a visceral feel & visual explore related to our prototype high level experiences,
that are being crafted and shaped especially for people with serious or very serious health conditions.
Especially people who spend alot of their waking hours in bed or with severe paralysis in wheelchairs.
These experiences will be for people in hospital, acute care facilities, or in recovery / living at home.
VR  MR  & laptop / large screen experiences are very impactful, and will be beneficial for these groups.

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Phase 1 of the Pilot Project has begun.
These are our three primary objectives during this phase :
1. Deepening & expanding our connections with patients, families/caregivers, researchers & hospitals.
2. Prototype/build a number of VR & laptop experiences based on our vision and by listening to the needs & wants of patients.
3. Distribute VR headsets and our laptop app to a group of patients within our conditions mandate, and get important feedback.
See Pilot Project further down this page for more details.

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We are steadfast and relentless on brighting uplift, relaxation & benefit to people with very serious health conditions.
The core of what we are advancing burns hot and bright, and is our deep purpose and calling.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments.  Contact page is under Info on the menu.

If our vision, or aspects of it, resonate with you,...
we are actively looking for supporters for what we are advancing.
ButterFlyBlueV6XCroppedBrighterSM2.png  For info about how you can support the pilot project go to  X ❂  on the menu bar.

If you or someone you know decides to support our project,... we appreciate this in very profound ways. 

Our upcoming Sky series of personalized short films & animations will be for seniors,
kids & people with cancer, ALS, terminal illness & palliative.
Early stage creative, and related outreach about Sky is moving forward.
We give these films away for free.

Alpha Group
Our pilot project Alpha Group will be made up of patients, families and caregivers.  And first responders + frontline healthcare.
They will be given access to Therapeutic Dawn experiences via our app,... and they will provide important feedback.
We will provide VR headsets and/or laptops to some people in the Alpha Group. 

Grace & Grit  :  People
Having a very challenging health condition can sometimes be devastating.
For the person who has it, and also, in a different way, for that person's loved ones.
It is sometimes a really hard journey...  that can go on for months, or years.
One may be pushed to their limits, and beyond.  Sometimes way beyond.
Stay relentless on the key things that matter.
You may discover inner pools of strength, empathy & love that you didn't realize you had.  / Josh

Stress      Paralysis      Cancer      Neurological      Terminal Illness
The alpha version of our app during our Pilot Project phase 1 will focus on 2 key areas..
A. General uplift, relaxation and immersion, especially related to stress..
A. Immersion can also be explained/understood as a kind of distraction.
A. This can be useful and effective under various scenarios, 
A. e.g., where a person is worried about their diagnosis or their treatment/upcoming surgery.
A. Or they are very bored or feeling despair because they are spending days, weeks or months,
A. in a hospital bed, or bedridden most of the time.

B. Targeted explorations for certain patient groups that have very challenging conditions :.
     Paralysis / Severe paralysis      Cancer      Neurological/ALS      Terminal Illness

Pilot Project - Therapeutic Dawn : Phase 1 & 2
The pilot project has a few key milestones that we are targeting.
We will work very closely with patients, their families and healthcare workers.
Many of the experiences will be crafted & shaped based on feedback from these groups.
We will do deep research & development related to VR and high fidelity PCs / laptops..
And additional R&D related to certain tech that may be beneficial for certain conditions.
This tech includes :.
- 1. VR & PC Eye Tracking for people with paralysis or severe paralysis,
  so they are empowered to control aspects of our app, including movement thru virtual 3D space.
  Some people with ALS, Muscular Dystrophy, and spinal cord injuries are almost totally paralyzed,
  and in some cases, can only move their eyes, and no other parts of their bodies.
  These people will be able to use just their eyes to control various experiences we are creating.
- 2. EEG/Brainwave monitoring integration via a headband, that has multiple potential applications/benefits..
Phase 2 of our Pilot Project will expand on the above, and include some additional R&D and advancements.. 

App & other therapies  :  Healthcare professionals
Our upcoming app is meant to be used in addition to current therapies or medicines that a person may be using.
We are consulting with a broad range of healthcare & wellness professionals, as an integral part of our Pilot Project process.
A few of these people will become members of our team or advisors.

Scroll down for screenshots from our current Therapeutic Dawn alpha app.
This early stage app prototype works on laptops.
Some aspects have been tested in VR.

Next step is to further advance testing & developing for laptops and in VR.

Screenshot of realtime 3d immersive forest

Screenshot of Therapeutic Dawn virtual retreat/cottage

Take me to the river

A living room in the Therapeutic Dawn retreat area.
(This room was first used in a test area of Swerve.Land)